turn ons

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Non-Sexual Things That Strangely Turn People On
Photo by Maia Habegger on Unsplash

There is no one way to anybody's heart or libido.

Sexy doesn't always have to equal raunchy.

I've known people turned on by music, books, nature, and even funerals (don't ask).

What starts someone's engine is a mystery.

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Women Divulge Which Non-Sexual Things A Guy Has Done That Totally Turned Them On
Arnel Hasanovic/Unsplash

Dear Men,

Can y'all please put your forearms away, you're creating a distracting work environment for everyone.

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People Share The Strangest Qualities That They Find Extremely Attractive
Image by fashionate from Pixabay

Imperfections are what make us unique. Our imperfections are what make us sexy. In this time of body positivity we're all being groomed to embrace all the beautiful things we are, finally. Now don't get me wrong, I love a person who is the image of perfection. But that person is rare, and often times "enhanced" by a scalpel, or a pill and what not. So we can't chase an illusion.

So let's discuss the things that draw us to others. What small, sexy detail drives us wild? The people want to know, so that we can embrace these little things about ourselves. Weird isn't bad, sometimes it's the best.

Redditor u/Undecided_User_Name wanted to hear about what turns you on, by asking:

What is the weirdest thing you find extremely attractive?
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