turn offs

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Grossed out woman sticking her tongue out
Photo by Maria Lysenko on Unsplash

Dating can be pretty fun, but like anything else, there are going to be some bad or weird dates.

But sometimes the person we think we're really into will do something so repulsive, we know instantly that relationship is over.

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People Share Their All-Time Biggest Turn Offs
Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

As much as we love to have eyes for others, those eyes are witness to some yuck.

We are easily turned on by many things and people.

We're humans, humans are easy.

But turning off and shutting down is also easy.

And once we see certain things, they can never be unseen.

And so... we move on.

Let's make a list so people stay vigilant.

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I used to enjoy thrifting until I realized that the store I used to go to never had anything that I liked. The store became a dumping ground for crappy T-shirts with dumb slogans on them, which I am not a fan of, ever. Needless to say, I stopped shopping there.

How could I continue, when nothing there spoke to me? Sigh. Still on the hunt for a good shop, by the way. But I'm not the only one with particular tastes.

People shared their thoughts with us after Redditor RobotDave asked the online community,

"What is an item of clothing that for you is an instant turn off?"
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Guys Share Their Major Relationship Turn Offs
Briona Baker on Unsplash

When it comes to gender roles in relationships, our society has a horrible habit of jumping to conclusions about the wants and needs of men and women.

For example, men are so often the notated aggressors or otherwise the buffoons of the story, clumsily chasing women with their pants down and one thing on their mind.

But men are people too—despite their best efforts—and have standards they must adhere to when entering into a relationship.

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Women Explain Which Everyday Male Behaviors Are A Major Turn Off For Them
Photo by Isaiah Rustad on Unsplash

Dear Single Men,

Please just ... like ... chill. The gist of this whole article basically boils down to that. I promise.

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