true story

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The Best Real-Life Examples Of 'Never Interrupt An Enemy While They're Making A Mistake'

"Reddit user Spinksy48 asked: 'What is your 'never interrupt an enemy while they are making a mistake 'moment?''"

People will trip themselves up eventually.

Because liars and lunatics always make mistakes.

They may be small mistakes, but they leave just enough room to expose their wicked ways.

Sure we all want to fight off an enemy and be the victor.

But sometimes the victor's greatest weapon is nothing but a little patience.

Then, we celebrate with a smile as we watch the crumble.

And maybe we have a little victory dance.

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People Break Down The Scariest True Stories They Know
Photo by Florian Olivo on Unsplash

Everyone obsessed with true crime doesn't really grasp the idea of... True Crime.

Do we?

It's not a movie.

This could be us.

Horror is happening all around us.

Maybe that's why slasher movies do so well.

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People Who Have Narrowly Avoided Being Murdered Share Their Experiences
Maxim Hopman/Unsplash

It's the spooky time of year where horror and gore are all around us. In movies, shows, and campfire stories, we share the most gruesome tales to scare one another.

But when you're faced with real life horror, that's a different stories.

In a 2019 study from the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime found chances of falling victim to a homicide worldwide are about 6 in 100,000.

So we went to Reddit to know what it's like to narrowly escape a murder.

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People Share The Absolute Worst Possible Ways To Be Rejected
Image by Ben Kerckx from Pixabay

Facing rejection when asking somebody out is never pleasant. But there's no denying that some people let you down easier than others.

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"The truth will set you free, but first it'll piss you off"

Have truer words ever been spoken? Especially at the beginning of a song? Probably not. But the thing about truth is that sometimes, no matter how hard we try, it's just not something we can ever really know.

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