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People Who Accidentally Stumbled Upon A Dead Body Share Their Stories

Reddit user JohnnyNuclear asked: 'Anyone ever find a dead body unintentionally? What’s the story?'

coroners office removing a body
Isaac Quesada on Unsplash

In August of 1982, author Stephen King's publisher—my fellow Maineiac—released his book Different Seasons. It was a collection of four novellas set mostly outside the horror genre King had become famous for.

The four novellas—subtitled to reflect the four seasons—were:

  • Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption: Hope Springs Eternal
  • Apt Pupil: Summer of Corruption
  • The Body: Fall from Innocence
  • The Breathing Method: A Winter's Tale

The first three became the major Hollywood films The Shawshank Redemption, Apt Pupil and Stand By Me respectively. 1986's Stand By Me helped launch or solidify the careers of Wil Wheaton, Jerry O'Connell, Corey Feldman, Kiefer Sutherland and the late River Phoenix in the critically acclaimed coming of age film directed by Rob Reiner.

I read the book when it was published then saw the film four years later. Both are superbly done and I immediately think of them every time the experience of finding a dead body is discussed.

That is the central plot point of the story—four boys on the cusp of adolescence take a pilgrimage to see a dead body discovered in the woods by the train tracks. The journey is life-changing for the fictional characters.

But what is it like in real life?

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Have you ever heard of Sir Edmund Berry Godfrey? He was an English politician who was murdered in 1678. His body was found in a ditch on Greenberry Hill in London. Three men were later arrested and tried for Godfrey's murder.

Their names? Robert Green, Henry Berry, and Lawrence Hill.

It's one of history's wildest coincidences and while it sounds totally made up, it's a story that definitely falls into the "weird but true" category.

We all have stories of things that have happened to us that sound a bit fictitious. People shared their stories with us after Redditor cats64sonic asked the online community,

"What perfectly true story of yours sounds like an outrageous lie?"
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People Describe The Absolute Worst Birthday They've Ever Had

Sometimes the pressure of of having a wonderful time on your birthday can put undue stress on a thing that should be, above all, relaxing and enjoyable.

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People Describe The Creepiest Thing They've Seen That They Were Never Meant To See
Image by Malachi Witt from Pixabay

Sometimes we are in the wrong place at the wrong time. We don't plan on it, but sometimes our curiosity--or bad timing--gets the best of us.

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People Break Down How A Mistake They Made Actually Made Things Better
Robin Higgins from Pixabay

Though many may try to live life flawlessly, navigating through all the ups and downs as gracefully as possible, we still sometimes bang around like bulls in china shops.

We misread important instructions and do the wrong thing for way too long. We make split decisions that, in hindsight, were absurdly ill-advised.

We even think things through and botch it in the end.

Sometimes, however, the consequences of those mistakes end up surprising us. The fruits of our screw-ups are unforeseen, but can make all the difference.

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