true love

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People Confess What's Stopping Them From Being With The Person They Really Love
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

As Valentine's Day approaches, we're going to be inundated with signs that tell us love is in the air.

Why is love elusive for so many of us?

Or is it perhaps right in front of us as we've seen in so many films and TV shows?

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Love or money?

An age old question.

Ideally, you wouldn't have to decide between the two.

In a perfect world, you would be able to find the true love of your life and be incredibly wealthy all at once.

But, as the saying goes, you can't have everything.

Though if faced with having to choose between the two, people might have a different idea of what the obvious answer would be.

Redditor lulinghayaw was curious how people would decide when faced with this decision, leading them to ask:

"Genuine, true love or 5 million dollars? Why?"
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People Share The Worst Wedding Meltdowns They've Ever Witnessed
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

When you're invited to a wedding, you expect to attend a beautiful celebration of true love.

But even the greatest wedding you've ever been to was incredibly stressful to plan. Couples and their family's struggle to remain calm in the face of the insurmountable pressure to make sure the big day as flawless as possible.

Sometimes that stress explodes at the most inopportune time - right before or even during the wedding ceremony. For the unfortunate guests, the memory of seeing a wedding ruined before their eyes is unforgettable.

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People Explain What Happened To Their First True Love
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"Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."

It's an old saying that rings true. Whether you move on from your first love, or end up together forever, falling in love is part of our growth as human beings.

Redditor u/dirtykid15 wanted to hear details on people's heartbreaks and happily ever afters, and asked... "What happened to your first love?"

10. They didn't have the courage

"I didn't have the courage to ask her out even though she was clearly interested and then life happened and I haven't seen her since."


9. Jealousy got in the way

"Dated for 3 years in high school. Summer before senior year she turned crazy. And I'm not just saying that. She would get super jealous of me going to work, because "other girls worked there". We went to the same school, so my job was really the only place where I saw other girls and she wasn't around. I had given her no reason to not trust me or be jealous at all the previous 2 years.

She came into my work one day, didn't order any food, and just sat there with her mom and brothers and watched me work to see if I talked to any female coworkers. It's a job, I have to communicate with my coworkers. Needless to say, a female coworker asked me to do something while she was there. She got pissed right there in the restaurant, confronting me and everything. I told her to leave. We broke up a few months later, haven't heard from her in years. Feel bad for any other bf's that have come behind me!"

8. His friends made sure it never happened


"Long story short, I wrote him a letter in 8th grade, his female friends found out, and then teased/bullied me into high school. He never answered the letter, or even talked to me again. I never asked out anyone ever again and have been single since."


7. They're living a full life

"Last I saw he's a real estate agent in Encinitas California. We dated when we were younger in Ontario, Canada. Seems to be doing well, has gained some weight (but haven't we all), married to a hippy but cute chicky and they have a kiddo who unfortunately has a cystic fibrosis.

He was a great guy, from what I've heard he still is. *I wasn't stalking him, while out in California visiting friends I saw his real estate ad. Unbeknownst to him, got that friend of mine to use him and buy a house with him! He was the one who told me about the wife and kiddo also about a surf fundraiser which I also anonymously donated."


6. Lost a partner and a good friend

"Childhood sweethearts, he was my best friend. We lost touch. He got married, I am with someone else. I am happy for him and wish him the world. I still think about him, losing his friendship sometimes feels like I lost a limb. I have moved on though."


5. Unfortunately, they passed away...

"She died on my 33rd birthday. It had been 18 years since I first told her I was going to marry her, 11 since I did."


4. She was toying with them

"We dated for a few months, then one day she said she wasn't comfortable with dating. I didn't even get to kiss her. But wait it gets better. I thought this sucks but I guess it can't be helped. Then a week later I see her dating someone else. And she was kissing him too. Now I'm not a hateful person, okay. But if there is one thing I absolutely dispise, It's having my feelings and emotions toyed with. Now I have trouble trusting the people close to me."


3. They never matured

"Dated for 5 years. He stayed the same, I grew up. Hes still doing just enough to make it, drowning himself in substance. Hes a good guy for someone, just not me."


2. They were married... kinda

"We were married in preschool but I moved away. Met him again when I was 18 or 19 and he was such a genuinely lovely guy and remembered our little wedding! We aren't close now but I wish him the best."


1. They actually got married


"He's sitting next to me on the couch eating the soup I made for dinner and complaining about The Last Jedi.

Married for three years."


I'm browsing reddit and she's playing Runescape. Cat is lying strategically between us so that he can get pets from either side. Coming up on 20 years' married next March.


Apparently true love does exist, and so does love at first sight. These lucky people found "the one" and shared their stories. Meanwhile, cats are great.

giantclan asked those who married their first boyfriend/girlfriend: What made you decide they were the one despite never being with anyone else?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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