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People Break Down The Most Creative Insults They've Ever Heard
Photo by Katy Ward on Unsplash

We as a people have been throwing shade for generations.

And it's only getting better.

An insult lands better with finesse and wit.

Let's get creative.

Redditor futuresbloodline wanted to hear all the best shade we have to throw. So they asked:

"What is the most creative insult you've been told that you couldn't even get mad at it?"
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People Reveal Why They Were Expelled From School
Thomas Koehler / Contributor via Getty Images

It doesn't take much to get in trouble at school, but it does take something exceptional to be expelled. The punishment doesn't always fit the crime, but at times these troublemakers can pose a danger to students and the school. An epic prank taken too far, or a disgruntled administration with a grudge, can often derail a students future for years, but it's rare that expulsion solves any behavioral issues. They're just carried with the student to the next school, and the next and so on. People share the best of the worst.

Redditor u/bananapeel12329 asks:

Expelled students of reddit, what was the reason for your expulsion?

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Breaking curfew. Skipping school. Speeding. Sneaking internet porn. We do stuff as kids we know will get us into trouble, and half the fun is talking our way out of it. Parents are always one step ahead...

cloudlessnine8 asked: What was your "Oh sh*t my life is over my parents are gonna kill me" moment you had as a child/teen?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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We can't always be our best selves every second of everyday. Sometimes our brains malfunction or we just decide to act a fool. And then there are also the times when we are innocent and in the wrong place at the wrong time. Trouble is always around but sometimes trouble is found by the stupidest of ways.

Redditor u/SecondBaseB wanted everyone own up to a few things by asking.... What is the dumbest reason you have gotten in trouble?

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It's one thing to be a foodie. It's another thing to put your life at risk because you're a little hungry and you want to be adventurous. How did our people learn what we could and could not consume? Who exactly discovered what seasonings paired perfectly with things? Who was the brave who learned for us that ketchup should always be on a fry? Deep thoughts friends. Deep thoughts.

Redditor u/maniacz2 had a really good life question we never really think about by asking.... What food has made you wonder, "How did our ancestors discover that this was edible?"

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