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More often than not, when we indulge in a television show, we accept the fact that not everything we're watching is 100% realistic.

Even outside the world of science fiction and fantasy, we acknowledge that certain conflicts resolve a bit easier than they likely would in real life ("you had me at hello"? seriously?), or that modern medicine hasn't evolved quite that much (Meredith Grey drowning and coming back to life anyone?)

However, there are certain tropes and clichés which are becoming increasingly commonplace in film and television which result in viewers finding themselves truly unable to suspend their disbelief.

Sometimes not even coming until the film's climax, leading viewers to think "surely they're not going to go there?"

Only to find themselves infuriatingly disappointed that yes, they did.

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People Share Which Things Are Totally Normal In Movies But Never Happen IRL
Photo by Corina Rainer on Unsplash

Movies, especially the action-packed ones, need to keep things moving. Plot and character development reign supreme over all else.

The collateral damage of those priorities? Realistic, accurate, mundane details.

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