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Nothing gets people riled up more than a troll.

No, not the kind of trolls in fairy tales who live under bridges, or the iconic dolls with neon hair and groovy clothing.

But the kind of trolls who say or do something purely to instigate conflict and rile people up.

Today, trolling is most commonly associated with the internet and social media, where people make a habit of writing rude, sometimes offensive comments purely intending to get a rise out of people.

But trolling has been around long before the days of Facebook or Instagram.

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People Debate Who The Biggest Trolls In History Were
Image by gmill from Pixabay

Some anecdotes and figures from history have a way of humanizing distant past that can often feel so alienating.

The petty behavior of rulers on the world stage reminds us that although the events and wars we study occurred centuries ago, they were waged by people who were just as emotional, impulsive, and vindictive as us.

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