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gold round coin on blue textile
Photo by Kanchanara on Unsplash

We want to believe the world is a good place, and it can be. However, there are still those who seek to deceive us.

They prey on the innocent and naïve and run scams that take advantage of us and our assets.

Some of these scams are as old as time itself, and most people have wised up. They can recognize the tricks and protect themselves. However, every now and then, someone still falls for one of those stupid scams.

Redditors identified some of these scams and are ready to share.

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People Describe The Things Hollywood Has Tricked Us Into Believing
izayah ramos on Unsplash

Life lesson number one... don't believe anything you see in the movies.

Even biopics are riddled with lies. That's why it's called illusion and entertainment.

I love Hollywood for a lot of reasons, but I stopped believing long ago.

Tim Allen isn't Santa. Star Wars isn't real.

And when your car flies off an embankment, crashes into a tree and is on fire?

You're dead. The end.

Don't hold out hope.

It's good to believe in the magic, that's the fun.

But real life... not so much magic.

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People Break Down Their 'Pro Tips' For Living Alone
Juan Ordonez on Unsplash

I don't miss roommates—living alone was one of the best moves I've ever made. It wasn't easy but I made it work.

And I had a lot to learn!

When you don't live on your own, you aren't entirely responsible for the upkeep of your place. You share the responsibility of, let's say, cleaning the bathroom or the kitchen.

When you live alone, that's all on you. And it can get away from you very easily. I quickly learned how annoying it was to clean my apartment (and it's a studio!) when I didn't stay on top of basic maintenance.

Nowadays? It's spotless and everything has its place.

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People Share The Best Psychological Tricks They've Picked Up
Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay

People can't make you do something you don't want to do.

But it won't stop them from devising ways to get what they want without you even knowing.

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People Share The 'Parenting Tricks' That Can Really F*** A Kid Up

We've all heard how parenting is a full-time job. So it's not surprising to learn that parents have discovered plenty of quirks and methods to make things just a little bit more efficient during that eternal slog.

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