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People Describe The One Of A Kind Item They Own That They're Sure No One Else Has
Image by Landon Shaw from Pixabay

The possessions we place great value on are not necessarily ones that are expensive.

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People Explain How Their 'Piece Of Junk' Turned Out To Be A Valuable Treasure
Photo by Dan Dennis on Unsplash

Everything has value. That is a life mantra that can turn out quite lucrative. We may make fun of and cast judgement on the hoarders we see on tv, but some of them have hidden treasures that have a higher value than a lottery ticket all because they held on and believed everything is worth something. Of course it's sad they never knew it, hence hoarding not being healthy, but I digress. This is why 'Antiques Roadshow' has become such a phenomenon, we all have things that seem ordinary but could be worth a fortune.... or that's the dream. Let's find out....

Redditor u/onemangang15 was wondering who has discovered that the thing they believed was trash was a surprise pearl by asking.... What 'piece of junk' did you find that turned out to be valuable?
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People Reveal The Most Valuable Item They've Ever Lost
NikolayFrolochkin / Pixabay

Losing things is never pleasant, but it hurts even more when the item is particularly valuable.

If these responses are any indicator, sentimental value is so much more important than monetary value.

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People find all sorts of treasures at thrift stores, including some of their own stuff from times passed. Some even find money hidden in clothes. Wouldn't that be a treat?

mycatbaby asked: What's the coolest thing you've found in an antique/thrift/secondhand store?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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