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Bride slicing wedding cake
Kadyn Pierce/Unsplash

Traditions are passed down from generation to generation and are preserved because they provide a sense of comfort.

Groups of people and families repeat time-honored customs without a compelling reason other than the fact that it's what the generation before them engaged in.

However, there are some traditions that are outdated by today's standards and are ones people could do without.

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A globe
Lucas George Wendt/Unsplash

Different parts of the world are characterized by diversity and culture.

It's what makes us all unique.

But sometimes, it's those differences that can seem perplexing to those who don't have an open mind.

And instead of trying to be enlightened by foreign customs that are "normal", they can be perceived as "strange" or "weird" by outsiders.

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three young men at a table in a library looking at a laptop
Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Life is moving so fast.

Everytime we get used to something it seems like it evolves and we have to learn more.

I miss CD's. Spotify confuses me.

AOL chat rooms were simple. What the H*LL is Discourse? Or Discontent?

I miss TV just being on channels in the box.

There are so many apps I have cold sweats.

And I can just tap my credit card and pay for things?

It's too much.

But all the things I learned will soon be gone.

Like the OG Toys 'R Us.

Time to say farewell...

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People Debate Which Traditions Should Have Never Existed
Andre Jackson on Unsplash

People like to say that there is nothing wrong with routine or tradition and generally there isn't... until there is, of course. The truth is there are myriad traditions out there actually inhumane and antithetical to human life.

Meanwhile, other traditions (like public proposals) are much more innocent but pretty annoying depending on who you ask.

Why not toss them all out and start over again, eh?

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People Explain Which Traditions They Wish Would Die Out Already
Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

Tradition can be a beautiful thing--they can keep us connected to our cultures and histories.

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