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People Explain Which Things Aren't Exactly Torture But Sure Feel Like It

We liken too many things to "actual" torture.

We're spoiled and entitled and most of us couldn't handle real torture.

But we are who we are.

So let's discuss all the things that give us massive discomfort.

One Redditor wanted to discuss the things that cause us stress and a touch of ouch. They asked:

"What isn’t torture but feels like it is?"
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There are just some situations you'd rather die than get stuck in. Well that's probably a tad on the dramatic side, but not by much. I will say there is nothing worse than being trapped at the DMV... that is a definitive "Take me now Lord" moment. But in the end it is the utter definition of "First World Problems." We have so many of those; situations that arise we think are a tragedy when in fact there are REAL tragedies occurring everyday... murder, famine, politics. But we get caught up in our lives and convince ourselves minor inconveniences are the end of the world. We are pure drama y'all!

Redditor u/NRmusiccringe wanted us all discuss a few fates worse than death by inquiring... Other than waiting in line at the DMV while your phone is dead, what is an example of "first world torture"?

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