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People Describe The Absolute Worst Thing They've Ever Seen In A Public Toilet
Image by Nina Edmondson from Pixabay

We all know public restrooms can be a nightmare. You never know if they are constantly being cleaned – if at all – no matter where you have to go do your business.

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Dad jokes are having a moment right now - understandably, since lame dads are hilarious.We love talking about the kinds of "dad stuff" stereotypes - like freaking out if anyone touches the thermostat and wearing weirdly tall socks with some New Balance sneakers. One Reddit user pointed out that we're all knee-deep in dad stuff, but moms have just as many quirks! They wanted to know what some typical "mom things" people could think of. The responses were too much fun!

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My first job was at Ross. I was in high school, I was young and naive - far too young and naive for the horrors that awaited me the first day I was asked to help clean out the fitting rooms. Our store didn't have restrooms open to the public, though we would let customers use them if they asked - particularly women with children. Unfortunately, several customers decided there was no point in asking, they would just help themselves to use the fitting rooms as bathrooms. Diapers, menstrual products, and urine puddles were pretty common. Nothing could prepare us for the "Black Friday Incident of 1998"

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Real talk, things are just easier when we're kids. We can get hurt and bounce right back the next day. We can stay up late and hardly feel it the next day. We can break up and it's hard for a few days, but we don't need to rearrange our entire lives. We can go to concerts without ear protection and not have our ears ringing for four days afterwards. Psh. Try any of that after you're 30 and see how that goes.

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