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Woman walking through field looking sad.
Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

Not much good can come from dwelling on the past.

Even so, no matter how hard we try to avoid doing so, we can't help but look back on things we've done in our lives which we regret.

In some cases, it's nothing which had any sort of lasting effect, like wishing we thought more carefully about where we had a birthday or spending more than we could afford on an outfit that didn't end up paying off.

In sadder cases though, we often wonder what our lives might have been like if he had made a different, and smarter decision.

If we didn't say certain things to certain people, not spoken up when someone needed us to or rushed too hastily into a life we weren't ready for.

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People Break Down Which Things Have Progressively Gotten Worse Over Time
Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Time is not always a friend.

It can systematically destroy everything.

Or is that just humans abusing time?

Everything does degrade naturally...

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People Break Down Which Poor People Things Have Been Ruined By The Wealthy
Photo by Katie Harp on Unsplash

Why do the rich have to spoil everything?

Like let us poor people hold onto something.

I'm astonished by some of the things that have been altered or ruined by an influx of wealthy interest.

Redditor papipablo99 wanted to hear about how money has ruined many things, even for people who don't have any. They asked:

"What were some poor people things that got ruined by rich people?"
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People Explain Which Things And Practices Haven't Changed In The Past 1,000 Years

Each new day brings change.

It's pretty remarkable to think just how much our world has changed over the course of time.

Even in the span of a few years, we continue to see remarkable changes in architecture, technology, even in socializing.

But, as the saying goes, "some things never change".

Redditor sexykaren was curious to learn about the things which have remained constant with the passing of time, leading them to ask:

'What hasn't changed in the past 1000 years?"
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People Divulge The Main Reason They Wan t To Go Back In Time
Deb Dowd/Unsplash

As someone who was forced to watch Butterfly Effect more times than should be legal, I've developed a bit of a knee-jerk NOPE reaction to the idea of time travel.

They say shows jump the shark when they start including ridiculous stuff just for the shock views (fun fact: that phrase comes from an episode of Happy Days where Fonzie literally jumps over a massive shark while water skiing.)

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