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People Break Down Which Things Always Take Way Longer Than They Should
Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Have you ever gotten ready to do something that you think will only take a minute or two, but end up taking a lot longer?

Like when you try to print a paper at the library before class, only to find out several other students had the same idea. Or when you decide you can finish the Powerpoint for your work presentation during your lunch break, only to realize it needs to be way more in-depth than you first thought.

Chances are, you've been in this situation before. I certainly have! I can't even count the number of times I have given myself two minutes to microwave a meal only to realize my roommate needs it too (and got to it first) and I don't actually have the meal I planned to eat, meaning I need to spend some time figuring out what to eat instead.

Redditor hungrytiredandbored was curious about what other things take longer than they should, and asked:

"What always takes way longer than it should?"
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