things worth spending money on

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I love spending money. I love having money to spend more.

I tell myself money is the root of many evil, but truthfully it's also the root of survival.

Let's face it, we need money. And even when there isn't a ton to go around there are items in life you just have to spend it on.

Sometimes quality is key. There are necessities that you just can't skimp on like cars, baby items, food. The list is pretty endless, which is why most of us are broke.

Now don't get me wrong, I love a good deal and generic is a steal. But once in awhile, you just have to make the purchase.

RedditorPartyLikeLizLemonwanted to hear about all the things we love to throw money at, no matter the cost, by asking:

"What is one thing you absolutely don't mind spending money on?"
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