things we learn

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How did I not know that this entire time? I feel like I say that more often than I should. And I know I'm not alone.

There are simple facts of life that seem to elude all of us on a daily basis. Now many of the things that are new to us can be because of environment and general curiosity, not just just because we're lame in the brain, so don't worry.

I know a ton of my newly discovered knowledge is thanks in large part to the internet. I've lost track of the amount of sayings that I spoke without knowing their origins or true meanings. So I often find myself googling things I never thought to google, mainly because I never had a Google.

Let's learn, pencils up...

Redditor u/boy-1der wanted to hear about what fascinating things people have recently discovered that many of us have known since we learned to walk by asking:

What basic, children's-age-level fact did you only find out embarrassingly later in life?
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