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People Recount The Most Profound Thing Their Therapist Ever Said

Reddit user lilmizzvalz asked: 'What is a profound statement your therapist has told you?'

Therapist offering advice to client
Photo by Mark Williams on Unsplash

Whether it's in a traditional therapy session or not, we all need advice from time to time.

But sometimes during therapy, some truly profound statements may be made that the client will never forget.

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black and white cat with mouth open looking at computer tablet
Kanashi on Unsplash

People need to stop throwing out unwanted advice.

And when it is requested, think before you speak.

People with mental disorders don't need everyone telling them they have a fix like "exercise" or "herbal supplements."

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People Break Down The Best Advice They've Ever Received From Their Therapist
Photo by TienDat Nguyen on Unsplash

There’s no question that therapy is one of the most helpful treatment methods with regard to emotional hardship, trauma, or mental health. A licensed therapist is full of good advice.

They can show you some smaller forms of therapy you can implement, defense mechanisms you can use, or even tell you what you need to hear.

A therapist once asked my friend, "Is there data to support that fear?" It is now the question of the day every day at work. Therapists can be brilliant!

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People Share The Warning Signs Of Toxic Parenting

Parenting is an arduous, often thankless job.

If it's not something you ever really wanted, or even if it is, you have to be careful.

Toxic parents create toxic people.

And that is born from a lot of unresolved trauma.

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People Share The Often Overlooked Signs Of Depression
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Life can be a very dark place.

And the loneliness is often overwhelming.

It can be very difficult to reach out for help.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

If we pay attention to our own red flags we can make great progress sooner.

Redditor Specktakles88 wanted to share how we need to be aware of depression. They asked:

"What are some overlooked signs of depression?"
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