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People Break Down The Best Advice They've Ever Received From Their Therapist
Photo by TienDat Nguyen on Unsplash

There’s no question that therapy is one of the most helpful treatment methods with regard to emotional hardship, trauma, or mental health. A licensed therapist is full of good advice.

They can show you some smaller forms of therapy you can implement, defense mechanisms you can use, or even tell you what you need to hear.

A therapist once asked my friend, "Is there data to support that fear?" It is now the question of the day every day at work. Therapists can be brilliant!

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Therapists Divulge Their 'I Need A Minute' Work Experiences
Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash

I could never be a therapist. That is why I'm so in awe of them.

I don't know how one person takes on so much emotionally in order to help others.

They are only human. So I often wonder... what breaks them?

How do they compose themselves?

How do they take a breather without compromising the client?

Because you know they need a break... or six.

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Therapists Break Down Which Normal Things Patients Are Most Embarrassed About
Priscilla Du Preez/Unsplash

Mental health symptoms and disorders are incredibly common. Thanks to a global pandemic, mental health issues are at an all-time high.

But somehow, mental health is still a taboo subject for many.

Historically, mental health disorders have been thought of as demonic possession or witchcraft. On a global scale, this caused talking about mental illness strictly off-limits.

This silence around something so common is fluctuating between that taboo and normalization.

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Therapists Share Their Best 'I'm Not Supposed To Judge You But...' Experiences
Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay

To provide a productive therapeutic environment, therapists are trained to "meet people where they're at."

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Ah, massages. This very legitimate therapeutic technique has been around for nearly as long as human beings.

But now it's been co-opted by so much erotica and so many movies that it seems to constantly provided weirdo creeps with a place to actualize their fantasies.

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