the office

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"The Office" was, of course, a piece of satire. Surely, no actual office workplace is that absurd, that full of that many inappropriate comments and behaviors, run that ineptly on a daily basis.

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'Fannypacks and Jorts'—People Imagine What'd They'd Ban If They Were The Fashion Police

I wrote an article recently about a little boy who called the police because he got snow pants for Christmas, and it started a conversation full of jokes about fashion emergencies and the fashion police. As many of you know, I'm short. Very short. Like not even five feet tall kind of short. So when people started asking about the kinds of things I would consider fashion emergencies, my mind went immediately to my lifelong nemesis. The maxi skirt. I'm just out here tryna look Boho-Chic like the rest of you, but instead I look like what would happen if a potato dressed up as Moana for Halloween.

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Arranged marriages are not something current day people understand but they still happen, and many people are totally cool with it. Culturally it's ALL up to what the individuals decide. However a lot of people like to share their thoughts on things they don't understand or approve of with or without being asked.

Redditor concernedhusband2821 had to tell his story on this topic... My [28M] friends/co-workers [20s M/F] are mocking my wife [22F] and our arranged marriage, not sure how to address or deal with this?

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I've been doing this thing lately where I've been thinking of myself as the main character in a movie or book that I'm creating. It helps me make more conscious choices about what I'm doing with my day - does this activity advance my character? Are there skills I want my character to have that I don't? Guess I should go learn them. It's been a fun motivational technique - but it also got me thinking... there are all these other characters in my life. What roles do they play? Does "Grocery store dude with one short pinkie who used to follow me around all through tenth grade" get a spot in the book? Apparently, one reddit user kind of got stuck on the same thought train because they asked:

You die. Credits start rolling past you. What are some of the strangest roles other people have played in your life?

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Working in a corporate environment is not for everyone. Some people thrive in them, others (like me) wilt and start to slowly unravel mentally. But what about those companies who pride themselves on their "alternative" corporate culture? We've all heard about companies that let you bring pets or have slides between floors, but even that isn't enough to keep some people there.

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