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It's relatively uncommon to send things to the wrong number. So why does it seem that when we do, it is the absolute worst time it could have ever happened?

Sure, the development of a digital address book within our smartphones has been a largely convenient new aspect of technology. We don't have to drag around a roladex or some spiral notebook full of handwritten names and phone numbers.

But that ease of access to family, friends, and professional colleagues, all in one place, brings some dangers.

When we're moving fast and our thumb is cruising across the touch screen for the millionth time in that day alone, we're prone to a false step or two.

That's when the very wrong thing goes to the very wrong person. And it ends with a situation equal parts hilarious, horrifying, and face-reddening.

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People Share The Last Text They Sent Their Ex

Exes are exes for a reason - and this thread is full of reminders.

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Texting can be an excellent means of communication. You get the time to compose your thoughts, check your spelling, and make sure you're saying exactly what you want/need to say. The other person gets to respond at their leisure and convenience. It's glorious, really... unless it goes horribly wrong.

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Mom Has Perfect Response To Text Asking If She Knew Her Daughter Was 'Dating A Black Boy'
Heather Boyer/Facebook

Hey, racists?

You can start quaking in those boots now.

This Mississippi mom is about to lay down a truth smack-down.

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When you've saved up all year for a vacation, hearing from your husband that the trip will have to be cut short because he took $800 out of the fund without consulting you could easily become a major point of conflict. One college professor who did just that, however, managed to stay out of the doghouse by explaining the inspiring reason he had dipped into his family's vacation savings.

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