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Outdoorsy People Break Down The Most Terrifying Experiences They've Ever Had In The Woods

Reddit user Inevitable-Print-702 asked: 'Outdoorsmen of Reddit, what’s your most terrifying encounter in the woods?'

Man following hikers in the woods
Jon Tyson/Unsplash

Being surrounded by nature by going camping or hiking is a yearning many people have to escape their everyday metropolitan trappings.

However, as much as a breath of fresh air is a good thing for everyone, not everything encountered in the woods can be utopian or blissful.

Because we just might encounter a wolf disguised as grandma, or even worse things.

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Hospital corridor
Photo by Miguel Ausejo on Unsplash

Ever since the global pandemic hit in March 2020, we found ourselves becoming a bit more cognizant of protecting ourselves from contagious diseases.

Sadly, masks, face shields, and hand sanitizer can't protect us from everything.

Some diseases are simply in our DNA and will begin wreaking havoc on our bodies without any sort of warning.

Many of these diseases come with symptoms that we'd only thought could be found in horror movies.

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Little girl covering her eyes
Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash

Perhaps one reason horror films are so popular is that people know they are watching a work of fiction.

As soon as they leave the theatre or turn off the TV, they are out of the terrifying world they've been a part of for two hours but got the rush of adrenaline they need, similar to riding a roller coaster or thrill ride.

For this reason, no movie, TV show, or book, no matter how scary they are, can never equal being scared in real life.

As finding yourself, or worse your family, in a dangerous and/or life-threatening situation is an experience so terrifying, it genuinely defies description.

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Scared woman covering her face
Photo by Melanie Wasser on Unsplash

While we have not all witnessed something that will forever keep us up at night, we've all seen or heard something that was terrifying.

And it seems the scarier it was, the harder it becomes to forget.

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Person holding red balloons in a dark forest
Moritz Knöringer/Unsplash

For those who need their horror fix, they can stream tons of movies on platforms like Shudder or even find shows like American Horror Story on Hulu.

While many of those programs have enough jump scares and gory scenes of torture, rest assured, it's only make-believe.

The real stuff of nightmares is not of the unexplainable paranormal activity variety, but stories that are recounted by those who lived through truly terrifying experiences.

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