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Angry Man
Photo by Usman Yousaf on Unsplash

Patience is indeed a virtue.

Some people are lucky in that virtually nothing gets on their nerves, and even if something does, they can control their temper and deal with it calmly.

Others, however, are not blessed with the gift of patience, and even the littlest things will completely and utterly set them off.

However, no matter where we stand on the patient level, we all have some things that truly get under our skin, and try as we might, find our temper going completely out of control.

Often resulting in groans from bystanders, who have trouble understanding if the reaction was merited.

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People Describe The Times They've Seen A Normally Calm Person Absolutely Snap On Someone
Anthony Redpath/GettyImages

Everyone has a breaking point.

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The list of what irritates me is endless.

I mean... breathing too loud or dust can set me off.

I'm a bit unstable, yes.

But I'm not alone.

So let's discuss.

RedditorAburntbagel6wanted to hear about all the times many of us just couldn't control our disdain. They asked:

"What never fails to piss you off?"
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Lord give me strength! That is always a favorite of mine. When anger is taking over one's emotions the mouth tends to let loose. And in the past week I'm sure a lot of letting loose has been going on. We all have that one line... or five, that really encompass those special, singular moments of rage. These are the lines that let others know it's times to hide, children know to run and strangers often just cry. It's a signature line, that expresses emotion honestly and to perfection.

Redditor u/PCubiles wanted everyone to divulge what responses are like knee jerk reactions when their nerves are tested by asking.... What's your favorite thing to say when you're angry?
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Actions speak louder than words, though words can set my temper ablaze just as prudently as an action. Do you all notice that we are all pretty good at keeping our emotions in check with the big issues? Like when someone does us wrong we take a step back (to evaluate and plot revenge) and process our emotional state as to not jump straight to fury. Fury can be counter productive. So why is it the little things that push us to insanity; like killing one another over a meal or a parking spot... makes no sense. Perhaps we're all trapped in a "this is the last straw syndrome?"

Redditor wanted to hear from everyone about the little things in life that can turn us front Jekyll to Hyde in seconds by asking.... What is the smallest thing that makes you lose your temper immediately?

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