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People Explain Which Television Shows They Just Could Not Get Invested In
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We are in the golden age of television. Television is where it is at. But that doesn't mean everything is worth your time. There are so many "IT" shows, and there has been for like a decade. We can't keep up. If we could, we'd only be watching the television and never see the light of day.

But there are programs that don't survive the hype. And I hate that. You put aside time to start a series where everyone is... "OMG. This is everything!" Then you watch ten minutes and you're like... " Meh."

Being a fan takes time and patience, and I'm lacking both. So let's discuss what stories need to be avoided.

Redditor u/TheEliteKoala1 wanted to talk about all the tv entertainment that we just... didn't love, by asking:

What TV show could you just not get into?
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