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Adult Problems People Were Woefully Underprepared For
Abhijith P/Unsplash

As teenagers, most ambitious pre-adolescents looked forward to life beyond high school where the freedom for them to live their lives without the supervision of parents or guardians awaited them.

But when they barreled through phases of teen angst, obtaining driver's licenses, and finally being able to see an R-rated movie without sneaking into one, nothing could really prepare them for adulting.

Being told how to be an adult is one thing. Navigating through adulthood on your own, however, can be a very sobering experience.

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People Break Down Which Things Are Lame As A Teen But Fantastic As An Adult
Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

When you're a teenager, the entire world is open to you. There's so much to do and see, and things that you see adults doing seem so lame and uninspired.

Teenagers want to be adventurous and impulsive. They aren't held back by the inhibitions adults have, but they also don't have the same life experiences as adukts. Once they do, they change.

As a teenager, I would use weekends to stay up all night to do all the things I was too busy to do during the week, such as play video games or get through some of the movies on my 'Must Watch' list. I would think my parents were so lame for going to sleep early on a Friday night, especially since they also had a list of things they wanted to do that they were too busy to do during the week.

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People Divulge The Most Illegal Thing They Ever Did As A Teenager
Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

I'm assuming most of us have indulged in being naughty in our teen years.

We test the waters of society and our parent's patience.

Sometimes it's a blast, other times... you're in jail.

You gotta roll the dice.

Redditor Bruh-momento10101 wanted to hear the stories about the regrettable choices some of us have made in our younger years. So they asked:

"What’s the most illegal thing you’ve (allegedly) done as a teenager?"
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People Break Down The Most F***ed Up Thing That Ever Happened In Their High School
Photo by leah hetteberg on Unsplash

Is there anyone who loved high school?

High school is a disaster. That is true for like... 95% of us.

it's like being branded. "I survived high school because of this!!"

The past is never really past, is it? What did you see?

Redditor HelloProxima wanted to go back and visit the teenage years, by asking:

"What is the most f**ked up thing that happened in your high school?"
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I hated my teenage years. I'd redo them again just to be young, but the drama isn't worth it. I'd say I could be a little scandalous and rebellious but, rebellion as a teen is seen in the eye of the beholder.

I will say kids today are surprising me. Having walkouts in class. Being active in social discourse, that's impressive.

But kids will always be kids. They will always mess up in epic proportions, that's part of the fun.

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