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People Explain Which Teen Movies Made Them Think 'The Older I Get, The More I Agree With The Adult'
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

There's a fairly common formula in movies geared toward a teenage audience.

A group of teenagers face one central conflict, to varying degrees of importance and severity, but manage to solve it in a surprisingly short manner of time.

The heroes of these films are usually a hodgepodge of traditional high school archetypes (star athlete, math nerd, girl whose beauty is disguised by a pair of glasses), all of whom the intended audience can completely relate to and root for.

And then we have the adult characters, who are often buffoonish stereotypes, or the outright villain, whose sole mission is to ensure the protagonist will not achieve their ultimate goal.

As teenagers, we often find ourselves ready to boo these grown-ups from the minute they appear on the screen.

But when we revisit these movies as adults, we find ourselves noticing that their behavior isn't quite as bad as we remembered.

Or, more shockingly, we actually find ourselves rooting for them!

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People Explain Which Things Scream 'I Peaked In High School'
Image by Keith Johnston from Pixabay

Those who peaked in high school are former students who've had the time of their lives while there – whether as the star of an athletic team, head of the cheerleading squad, or class valedictorian.

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People Share The One Thing They Regret Most From Their Teenage Years
Photo by Sammie Vasquez on Unsplash

Life seems endless from the perspective of a 16-year-old. Heck, at that age even high school itself seems like it'll never end. But adulthood surely does come, and not long after those years.

And with that adulthood comes a much clearer-eyed assessment of those time warped adolescent years.

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A school is a necessary institution with very strange side effects. Hundreds, even thousands, of teenagers run around an enclosed space day in an day out.

It's no wonder some weird stuff goes down every once in awhile.

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We love to talk about how we are not exactly where we want to be now.

But we forget that our 15 year old selves would probably be amazed at the things we have accomplished. We have to be better about reminding ourselves that at 15, we never could have imagined the cool things we've done in our 20s.

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