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Amazing Things You Might Not Realize Your Phone Can Do

Reddit user napjerks asked: 'What do most people not know their phones can do?'

Woman looking at her cell phone at work
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

In this day and age, we all have cell phones, and we know that they are pocket-sized computers that we can control in the palm of our hand.

But there are many incredibly cool features that most of us don't even know are there, but which would make our experience with our phones that much better.

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People Break Down Which Things They'd Like To See Invented In Their Lifetime
Photo by Julia Zyablova on Unsplash

It's amazing to think of all the inventions and advancements we've seen over the course of time.

Smart phones, automated check out machines, electric powered cars.

In this modern age of technology and science, it's rare for a year to go by without a major new invention.

Seeing every new invention with each passing year only leads us to wonder, what does the future have in store?

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I'm a simple person when it comes to video games.

I prefer to go with nostalgia.

All of these fancy deals put me on sensory overload.

But my goodness the technology really has come a long way.

And there are actual storylines and drama.

Good for y'all gamers.

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People Break Down What Most Folks Have Forgotten About The Internet's Early Days

Oh, the beginning of the interwebs.

Those were the days.

We definitely did not see what was to come.

Maybe it should've stayed simple.

We'll never know.

Computers rule the world now.

Let's see where we are in another twenty years.

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How are we still using obsolete things?

Did you know it was only recently they took away the final payphone in NYC?

Though I think they may still have been useful.

But everyday I come in contact with things that I know have better options of use.

Like stores or bars that only take cash...

Are your for real?

Redditor kk653 wanted to discuss what parts of the technical past still haunt the present. They asked:

"What's something outdated we still use today?"
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