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Years ago, I worked in food service and I think I'm still traumatized by it.

There's something about working for minimum wage, being denied breaks, and running around dealing with rude people all day that really gets to you.

Good thing I'm no longer in it!

These days, I'm a broke writer, and you know what, that's okay with me. It's definitely an improvement!

When I tell people about my time in food service, many respond that they don't know how I did it. I still wonder that myself.

And there are plenty of jobs out there that I won't do (or go back to).

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People Share Their Best 'My Teacher Is An Idiot' Experiences
Taylor Wilcox/Unsplash

So listen, we don't expect teachers to have a master-level grasp of everything they teach. Nobody expects you to be a marine biologist with a specialization in cetaceans to teach a third grader about dolphins.

You should at least know they aren't fish.

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People Explain Which Topics We Should Stop Teaching Young Children

As adults, especially those who work with or have kids of their own, we have a responsibility to mold the young minds that will go on to be the adults of tomorrow. They are our future, and we owe it to them to raise adults that will be respectful and kind community members.

There are plenty of things we were taught as kids that we thought were harmless at the time. But years later those same things have become an issue.

We went to ask Reddit to learn about those issues that we should change for the next generation.

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Everyday seems to bring about more somber news and confusion. But just because the outside world seems to be coming to a pause that doesn't mean education has to stop. It fact it is imperative that learning be one of the fundamentals of this experience. Many, many students have been forced to switch to learning from home online. And be educated online can be an "interesting" experience.

Redditor u/lengelmp wanted to hear from all the students out there who are homeschooling it through this crisis by asking....

Students who's classes have been moved online: what is the funniest thing to happen in an online class so far?

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