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While school was everyone's favorite activity growing up, something that inevitably made the experience worse was an indignant teacher.

Occasionally a student might have a question the teacher can't answer, or they might know something the teacher doesn't. While it would make sense for the teacher to be the life-long learner they urge their students to be, and to address the new information, sometimes the new information leads to disaster.

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Teachers Who've Had To Tell Their Class A Student Passed Away Share Their Experiences
Image by Johana Peña from Pixabay

*The following article contains discussion of suicide/self-harm.

When a sudden tragedy strikes a school, an uncanny tone sweeps across the community.

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Students Explain Which Things They Hate Most About The Current Education System
Image by tjevans from Pixabay

On the whole, human society doesn't seem to be able to figure out how to educated students in a way that is effective, inclusive, and energizing.

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People Break Down The Biggest Scandal To Ever Happen At Their School
Image by Igor Ovsyannykov from Pixabay

When word of a high school scandal first gets out, there is about a 45 second buffer period before every single person in the town knows what happened.

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People Break Down How A Teacher Absolutely Ruined Their Favorite Subject In School For Them
Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay

Having a favorite subject can make or break a school day for you.

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