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People Break Down The Tattoos That Scream 'I Have No Creativity'
benjamin lehman on Unsplash

A couple of years ago (ah, yes, remember pre-pandemic times?) I went to a club and while I was with friends and had a decent time, I can't say I was exactly a fan of the crowd.

Then I noticed that quite a few guys there had tattoos of lions wearing crowns on their heads. It felt like a certain kind of cultural thing... all these dudes thinking they're kings or something.

It didn't scream creativity, certainly, but it did give me a chuckle.

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We all have to draw the line somewhere.

Tattoos are both expensive to get and slightly dangerous. I mean, you're literally coloring on somebody's skin with a needle. And that tattoo is going to stay on that person's skin for the rest of their lives, presumably. So you want to make sure that you aren't doing something too crazy.

Still, people will demand crazy. And it's up to you in those moments to set your personal tattoo boundaries.

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Tattoo artists are artists. Artists love variety and there comes a point when you are drawing on people's skin that you just think, "no. I do not want to do that again."

Everybody has personal taste, so not every tattoo artist will be annoyed by an infinity symbol on your wrist. But still, don't be surprised if your request for the word "Always" in cursive gets turned down and you need to find another artist.

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'Love, Friends, And Cheese Sandwich' And Other Terrible Tattoo Mistakes People Have Gotten

Tattoos are a deeply personal thing for most people, and many put a lot of time into coming up with the perfect design before getting inked. Some people put a bit less thought into things, or get their information from less-than-trustworthy sources, and that can end in an embarrassing disaster.

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Times change, and if you don't change with them you're likely to get left behind. That simple piece of wisdom applies to pretty much everything - up to and including the job market. It seems like a lot of older didn't get that memo, though.

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