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People Break Down The Funniest Tattoo Mistranslations They've Ever Seen
Photo by Jake Davies on Unsplash

Tattoos written in a language not spoken by the wearer are not uncommon.

People like to have a mysterious mark that they can claim is deeply significant for them, and yet you have no idea what it even means.

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'Love, Friends, And Cheese Sandwich' And Other Terrible Tattoo Mistakes People Have Gotten

Tattoos are a deeply personal thing for most people, and many put a lot of time into coming up with the perfect design before getting inked. Some people put a bit less thought into things, or get their information from less-than-trustworthy sources, and that can end in an embarrassing disaster.

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The day prior to Valentine's Day is normally thought of us a relatively uneventful occasion, save for the odd Galentine's Day meet-up in coffee shops around town. Singer Halsey must have decided the news day was much too slow and decided to throw the internet into the frenzy with a picture of her new tattoo!

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