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People Debate If They'd Want The Ability To Speak Every Language Or Play Every Musical Instrument

People are often impressed by those who are multilingual–mainly because they can't imagine having the ability to communicate with others in different languages themselves.

Equally respected individuals are those who can play multiple musical instruments. Sure, playing the piano alone is impressive. But if a pianist can also play the bass and drums–essentially being their own one-person band–that is also a major wow factor.

So if you had the option to have the capacity for one or the other, which would it be?

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People Reveal What They Believed They Were Good At Until They Saw Someone Else Do It

We can only base our opinions of our skills on our own experiences. If we're the best at something among the people we know, it seems like a safe bet to think that we're pretty good at that thing.

Sometimes, when we venture out into the wide world, we discover that that couldn't have been further from the truth.

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On Saturday, February 16, Twitter user @akinsawyerr shared a video to make an important point about equality of opportunity.

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