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People Describe The Creepiest Thing That's Ever Happened To Them While Home Alone
Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

Why is it that some of the most unsettling things happen when we're alone at home?

Could it be that our minds are playing tricks on us and we're imagining things that aren't there?

Probably, at least that's the hope.

Because someone with a burlap sack over their head with two eye holes cut out and attempting a home invasion would be an undesirable situation.

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People Describe Their Spookiest Paranormal Experience
Image by Peter H from Pixabay

Haunted houses, looming ghosts in darkened corners, and unexplained sights and sounds of fallen loved ones are all usually the fodder of movies and books.

And yet they populate real life from time to time.

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People Share The Creepiest Facts They Know
Photo by Jay Mistry on Unsplash

Whether they are rooted in history or are personal accounts, life is full of disturbing phenomena that keep us up at night.

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Do you believe in ghosts?

Most people are skeptical. After all, there is no conclusive evidence that ghosts exists. Mediums can be easily sniffed out as charlatans or opportunists, looking to profit off of people's grief.

Yet this little nagging voice in the back of our heads continually asks...what if there's some truth there?

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People Break Down The Creepiest Thing They've Ever Seen That Made Them Believe In The Supernatural
Rythik on Unsplash

Do you believe in those that walk amongst us?

You should. Well, that's just my opinion. But it's a good one.

The spirits are with us.

They are untamed and emboldened and they live on.

So many people feel as though they have proof.

So maybe we should hear them out and see how all of our experiences align.

Being supernatural isn't a crime... it's a superpower, that one day, hopefully, we'll ALL have.

Redditor u/Jojobazard wanted everyone to sit down and discuss how we know that we're not alone in this world by asking...

"What was the creepiest thing you witnessed, that made you believe in supernatural stuff?"
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