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The Worst Things Teachers Ever Confiscated From Students

Reddit user RodotC asked: 'Teachers of Reddit, what's the worst thing you have confiscated from a student?'

Classroom with a teacher at the board
Taylor Flowe/Unsplash

Grade school teachers are responsible for a myriad of things in addition to being educators.

As adult supervisors, they have to make sure everything in the classroom is in order and act accordingly if something goes awry–which is inevitable since there is always one mischievous student or two.

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The Worst Scandals At Their School According To Students
Photo by MChe Lee on Unsplash

School can be a hotbed of craziness.

We all of course assume students will cause drama, but what about the adults?

It's all a powderkeg of scandalous possibility.

Olivia Pope herself couldn't spin some of the stories that come out of high school.

And a lot of towns are rocked by school scandals.

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Signs Teachers Use To Tell If A Student Lives In An Abusive Or Toxic Environment
Photo by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash

Teachers are often regarded as heroes.

Though they might not possess superpowers, or put their lives in danger on an ongoing basis, teachers have a way of influencing the lives of others in ways they can never imagine.

Of course, there are teachers who do literally save lives.

As they are the teachers who help students who are being abused at home out of toxic and dangerous situations.

Doing so without ever being explicitly told, but rather by noticing their students behavior, or reading between the lines in their work.

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Often times you learn just how creative a kid is when they're being deceitful.

Homework and assignments are going to be late sometimes.

It's a part of the school cycle.

Instead of getting miffed, take solace in the off-the-wall, nonsensical excuses students come up with.

Back in my day, that first 10 minutes of class was practically a comedy hour.

I mean talk about Oscar worthy performances...

Sometimes you just have to laugh.

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By the time students get to high school, we think we understand our teachers pretty well. They all think their subject is the most important, they don’t care about our personal lives, and they think school work is law.

However, this is not completely true. Teachers have their own mischievous streak. They have their own methods to battle boredom. They have their own opinions on what kind of punishments to hand out to which student based on the student’s personality. And they don’t always agree with the school system.

While she would’ve never said it to her students, my health teacher wanted us to know it was stupid to wait until senior year to teach us sex education since most of us could’ve used that knowledge earlier in life.

There are a lot of things teachers wish their students knew, but can’t ever tell them in person.

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