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Teachers Break Down The Weirdest Item They've Ever Had To Take Away From A Student
Image by Jerry Kimbrell from Pixabay

No matter the grade level, teachers are constantly being distracted in the classroom by unruly students.

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Rites of passage and simply being your own person are concepts that some parents just don't grasp. This happens in school especially, where parents will sometimes spy on classes or insist that they stay with their kids. It's overprotection to the extreme, and it doesn't do anyone any good.

robo-bonobo asked educators of Reddit: xWhat is the worst case of helicopter parenting you've ever seen?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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Students Share The Nicest Thing A Teacher Has Ever Done For Them

Teachers are responsible for us during our formative years, and how they treat us can make a huge difference in the way we view the world. A kind and receptive teacher can be the difference between hating school and loving it.

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Teachers are people too, so they're prone to strange behavior just like the rest of us. Some of the habitual weirdness is pretty, erm, bizarre.

CrunchyTriceratops asked: What's the weirdest thing a teacher has done in your class?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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Kids are smart. Some of them are scary smart - like kindergarteners who can do times tables, or elementary school students who can do long division in their heads. Let's hope these people end up running the world someday.

eaquino03 asked teachers of Reddit: What is your "this student is so smart it's scary" story?

Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.

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