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Teachers have to deal with unruly students on a daily basis.

When stern words and warnings prove to be insufficient, they are often left with no other choice than to send them to the principal's office.

Usually, the reasons for sending them there are relatively minor, such as talking during class, passing notes, or causing a disruption.

Other times it's a bit more serious, such as bullying a classmate or making mean, insensitive remarks.

Then there are the times that can only be described as bizarre.

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People Who Slept With Their Teacher Describe The Subsequent Fallout
Image by Nicholas Jackson from Pixabay

There's a show on Hulu called A Teacher that made me think about the repercussions of a teacher having an illicit affair with a seventeen-year-old student.

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Teachers Break Down The Weirdest Item They've Ever Had To Take Away From A Student
Image by Jerry Kimbrell from Pixabay

No matter the grade level, teachers are constantly being distracted in the classroom by unruly students.

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There are few dull moments as a teacher.

That's really no surprise given that a teacher is usually tasked with navigating the wild behaviors and free associations of about 20 or 30 children.

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People Share The Dumbest Thing They've Ever Written On A Test That Was Somehow Still A Valid Answer
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Taking a written exam is like deliberately entering a fugue state.

Under beaming fluorescent lights, pen in hand, you flip the paper over and feast your eyes on on of the more stressful inanimate objects out there.

You blast through the questions and give the best answers possible. Hopefully you're prepared and the experience isn't pure panic and quickened breath.

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