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People Recount The Most Hurtful Thing Someone's Ever Said To Them

"Reddit user em0gril asked: 'What is the most hurtful thing someone said to you?'"

Words matter.

That is a life truth ignored far too often.

I know emotions can run high.

But we really need to acknowledge how we use language toward one another.

It can have a life long-lasting effect.

Think before you speak. That is one of life's greatest mantras.

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People Describe The Most Memorable Stranger They've Ever Met
Nikola Johnny Mirkovic on Unsplash

We can pass by hundreds of people in a day out of the house, and most of them go completely unnoticed or we forget about them almost immediately.

Every once in a while, though, there's someone who just sticks out from the crowd and stays in our memories for years.

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People Share The Best Random Advice They've Ever Received
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Sometimes, the most useful advice you will ever receive might come from the most unlikely of places.

Be it a random stranger you meet on the bus or in an anonymous online chat room.

Sometimes advice that might seem generic and vague on the surface might help shed light on other areas in your life you didn't even realize you needed help with.

With this in mind, Redditor gaps610 gave the Reddit community an opportunity to help out others by asking:

"What is some completely non-serious random advice you wanna give to your fellow Redditors?"
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People Describe The One Stranger They'll Never Forget
Photo by Deva Darshan on Unsplash

Life is really tough right now.

It's never been easy, but the world is such a disaster, it's really hard to have faith in humanity.

We need to help one another.

And often times the greatest help comes from a complete stranger.

We all leave an imprint on one another, good or bad.

Some leave a more permanent one than others.

Redditor nyxflare wanted to talk about the people from our lives that left a lasting impression. They asked:

"Who is one stranger you still remember?"
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Why are people crazy with words?

It's like no one has been taught to think before they speak.

There are fine lines between some thoughts and then there is just straight-up nonsense.

Like... do you not realize you're in public?

And what you're saying is a crime?

Redditor Mysterychic88 wanted hear about the what some people have said to others that left shivers down their spine. They asked:

"What's the eeriest thing a complete stranger has ever said to you?"
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