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Four small baby dolls hang from a barb wire fence
Photo by J Lopez on Unsplash

Sometimes there is no specific reason a person gives others the heebie-jeebies.

Certain people are just born with that vibe.

And other people are just flat-out crazy.

There are small mannerisms and big ticks that just send a clear message to stay a few yards back.

More often than not, we can't exactly put our finger on it... but something inside us just knows.

Better to know and be warned I guess.

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Image of a confederate statue against the background of the sunset
Photo by Ning Shi on Unsplash

Americans, we sure are an eclectic bunch.

We don't realize just how eclectic until we're outside of the country looking in.

Some of our traditions, several of our rules and TONS of our laws are kinda all over the place.

That's why people love to visit from all over.

Who doesn't want to see the zoo animals from inside the cage?

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The Creepiest Ways A Stranger Has Ever Tried To Come On To Them According To Woman
Photo by Quinn Buffing on Unsplash

There are a lot of great things that go along with being a girl. We can grow our hair as long as we like, we can wear clothes generally meant for guys, and we never have to worry about getting judged for getting certain beauty treatments.

However, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows (or sugar, spice, and everything nice). Girls are often held to unfair beauty standards, expected to act in restrictive ways, and sometimes get harassed by strangers when getting hit on.

Now, we’re not saying women can’t be creepy when coming on to a man, but generally, women are the ones who have to deal with men coming on to them in the creepiest of ways.

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People Describe The First Thing They'd Think If A Stranger Told Them 'I Know What You Did'
Etty Fidele on Unsplash

We all carry a secret–whether it's a scandalous one that could cause irreparable damage or one that is extremely embarrassing, it's better to take it to the grave than to live life through endless mockery.

But no matter how enigmatic we are, some of our best-kept secrets can escape us, or someone may think they know a person has been up to misdeeds.
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This Woman's Viral Thread About Helping A Stranger On The Train Is An Incredible Must-Read
Getty Images | Twitter (@rozeysmom/@emilyrm)

Many of us have had to ask for help at some point in our lives.

Oftentimes, it is a challenging thing to do, even in our most difficult circumstances.

However, when help is asked for, good people show up.

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