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People Break Down Which High School Stereotypes They Fit Into
Photo by Vince Fleming on Unsplash

We all spend our formative years trying to figure out who we are. Who we think we are actually determines the subjects we take, the things we become fans of, and the friends we make.

This is especially true in high school. Whether it's because of who we already are, or because of labels others gave us, we all fit into different cliques and groups.

Being studious, I fit in well with the honors crowd. My tendency to start new clubs, as well as become a part of already existing ones, also earned me the unofficial title of "all-around joiner."

Curious about these stereotypes, Redditor MountEverest14 asked:

"What high school stereotype did you fit into?"
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People Explain Which Stereotypes About Their Home Country Annoy Them The Most
Juliana Kozoski on Unsplash

Believe it or not, the British don't have bad teeth, Canadians don't say "eh" after every sentence, and the widlife in Australia generally leaves you alone. People in Germany aren't all Nazis, either (you should read a history book sometime).

But many people believe these stereotypes, much to the annoyance of people actually from these countries.

As an American, it's pretty frustrating to hear that everyone thinks we're all packing heat (we're not) and that it's the Wild West out here (okay, that one might have a kernel of truth).

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Workers Share The Common Misconceptions People Have About Their Jobs
Towfiqu barbhuiya/Unsplash

Misconceptions can happen anytime. We're prone to them if our experiences, media and representation are limited.

The way in which we see the world can cause us to have "naïve theories," or ideas about the world that our brains took short cuts to get to. So, you may think you know all about how to be a good lawyer because you watched 10 seasons of Law and Order, but really your scope is limited to an exaggerated fictional world.

Thankfully, we have the internet with the ability to share what it's really like to be lawyers, teachers, mathematicians, computer scientist, and so much more.

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Some time ago, I revisited an interview the actress Kathleen Turner gave to Vulture wherein she spoke about her life and career, focusing in particular on how her career trajectory changed following her rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis in the early 1990s.

She kept the disease a secret for years and suffered in silence. Living with chronic pain exhausted her and made her irritable which, in turn, gave her a reputation for being "difficult" in the industry.

And you know what? That interview reminded me that women are thrown away without a care in the world while men are given chance after chance... When was the last time you saw her headline a film, especially as an "older" actress?

The world is full of double standards that complicate the lives of men and women alike but the ones that don't explicitly rely on gender expectations are equally annoying.

People told us all about the double standards they're sick and tired of after Redditor SecretSquirrel224 asked the online community,

"What is a double standard that really bothers you?"
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Guys Explain Which Things They Really Enjoy That Are Considered 'For Girls Only'
janeb13 from Pixabay

Boys play with boy things, girls play with girl things. That is an old, outdated line of thought that needs to squashed. We can all have fun in all things.

When I was coming of age my friends and I were constantly bombarded with boundaries, especially on the things that brought us joy.

Isn't that odd? Why would you try to co-op something specifically designed to create fun?

Because that's how the generations before were also taught.

Well... the times they are a changing.

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