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The Darkest Facts About The Food Industry

Reddit user Miserable_Papaya1814 asked: 'What dark facts do you know about food industry?'

Many people prefer to know as little about what they're eating as possible, while others will do copious research about their food, namely how safe and hygienic what they just ate was.

Sometimes going down that rabbit hole of research, you might learn something about a product you just purchased or a restaurant that you wish you hadn't.

Then too, some of what you may read is purely urban legend and has absolutely no basis in fact.

Unfortunately, some information is merely the surface of shocking, disgusting secrets.

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People Share The Most Interesting Statistics They Know
Photo by m. on Unsplash

When discussing statistics, people immediately become engaged.

Who doesn't want to know more?

And random facts are the best.

That is what gets you to 'Jeopardy.'

Redditor unelaboratedov wanted to discuss factual fascination. They asked:

"What is the most interesting statistic you know?"
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Knowledge is power and facts are important. Even the most random pieces of knowledge can land you on "Jeopardy" or "Who Wants to be a Millionaire!"

Statistics is a well of interesting facts. Knowing the numerical facts and odds about so much of life can go a long way.

Redditor u/bab3sia3d3l wanted everyone to share facts and knowledge we could all learn a few things from, by asking:

What is the most interesting statistic or fact you know?
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One of a kind. Once in a lifetime. Special. Those are all things we want to be... don't deny it. Standing out in the crowd is a high in life, especially if it's in a cool way, where tons of other people are surprised by it. There are just somethings about some people that make them way cool statistically.

Redditor yadayadayadarv wanted to know what makes you special by asking...

What makes you statistically rare?
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Statistics can be both surprising and confusing. They help us to frame the world around us in a way that we can understand, and help us to make important decisions.

They can also be incredibly interesting, revealing abstract truths about ourselves and our world that would be difficult to grasp without the help of statistics.

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