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People Break Down The Spookiest Thing That's Ever Happened To Them
Photo by Shahzin Shajid on Unsplash

Some people are less easily scared than others.

While some people live off of the adrenaline of zombies jumping out at you in a haunted house, others will jump ten feet in the air at the tiniest sound of a crack in the floor.

Even people who live to be scared, however, have had one genuinely spooky experience that they simply cannot explain, no matter how hard they try.

Managing to disrupt their sleep in a way that slasher films and haunted hayrides couldn't even begin to do.

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People Describe The Scariest Thing They've Ever Come Face To Face With
Image by Mylene2401 from Pixabay

Life is an obstacle course in survival. Every corner we turn and every breathe we take could be our last.

Danger is abound at all times. That is why it is so important to stay vigilant. We can't take superfluous chances.

Trouble lurks in all forms. It doesn't have to be a mass murderer, the neighbor's dog can be lethal.

It's all about navigating the minefield that is life.

Redditor u/Reddit807 wanted to hear about all the times life has left us SHOOKETH to the bone by asking:

What's the scariest thing you've ever stood face to face with?
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Skeptics Describe Their Creepiest Paranormal Experiences
Image by Amber Avalona from Pixabay

It's tough believe that there is life living in an ether that surrounds us. I mean... ghosts? Spirits? Demons, floating about us?

Sounds like fun on paper, for a movie script, but for real life, I don't know. But strange occurrences do abound, and often a simple explanation just doesn't suffice.

If skeptics have been haunted, it just all leads to more questions and no answers.

Hoping to connect with other unsure "non-believers" Redditor u/LordMaboy asked to hear about:

"What is the most creepiest thing you saw even though you are very sceptical about paranormal things?"
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person walking towards house
Ján Jakub Naništa on Unsplash

I have never been a fan of haunted houses. I even skip the Haunted Mansion ride at Disney World. I think it's because there was a "haunted" townhouse that was on the block I lived on in childhood.

It languished there for years.

Sometimes local crazies and addicts would break in and set up shop. And then there would be an onslaught of insanity.

Of course during summer nights playing we kids would always dare one another to go in. I never could.

So I got labeled a coward. But hey, better a coward than a corpse.

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People Share Photos With The Absolute Creepiest Backstories
Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

There are just some moments in life that are far too real and far too gruesome to ever want to capture for nostalgia. Those are definitely not the times Kodak had in mind. However, we can't often control the story the camera is going to tell because, nine times out of ten, the photographer isn't psychic. So once in a while, every snapshot can be the beginning of a sordid tale that will haunt you.

Redditor u/BreakRulesRun wanted to discuss the truth behind some photos that maybe we'd rather not know by asking... What photo has a creepy backstory?
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