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With the world's finances the way they are, it's a miracle if people can save their spare change.

Inflation has a stronghold on too many people.

Sometimes it feels like just breathing can cost you money.

It's hard to make and absurdly easy to lose.

So be vigilant with your wallet.

And try to spend on certain things in moderation.

Going out for meals three times a day adds up.

Even with Wendy's value menu.

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People Break Down Which Things Are 100% A Scam
Photo by Kanchanara on Unsplash

We are inundated with lies every day.

Now in this era, our job is to call them out.

One simple truth?

Nothing is as good as it seems.

It's all a fake.

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Being rich looks fabulous.

I know, money isn't everything.

I've seen the super rich literally throw money away, because they could.

They never see it as waste.

I want to be able to waste.

I wouldn't, but I'd like the option.

Redditor alexduvalo wanted to know what rich love to throw money at in bundles. They asked:

"What do insanely rich people buy that poor people have no idea about?"
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People Share The Most Life-Changing Purchases They've Made That Were Worth Every Penny
Annika Erickson/GettyImages

Consumers who have money to burn often buy things they don't really need, like travel accessories, specialized sports equipment for an activity they've only done once, or even cookbooks, when plenty of recipes can be found online.

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People Describe The Worst Times They've Felt Buyers' Remorse
Oscar Wong/GettyImages

As consumers, we know better than to spend our hard-earned cash on things we don't really need. But we do it anyway.

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