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The universe is majestic. It's also quite terrifying.

Think about it: At the end of the day, does any of this even matter? We just so happen to be the "lucky ones" to exist on a floating rock that revolves around a fiery orb situated in a vast ocean of stillness and nothingness.

Wild, huh? Just wait until we tell you how deadly asteroids can be...

Of course, space is far more scary than that. We haven't even begun to scratch the surface.

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People Explain Which Scientific Facts Never Fail To Blow Them Away
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Science is fun!

You might have had a bad time in your early schooling days, learning how the mitochondria was the powerhouse of the cell. While that's certainly important for certain biologists to know, we want the spicy stuff. The facts and info that makes our hair stand on end and our brain cells ignite with the possibilities of the universe.

Stuff like this.

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People Share The Best Theories About Aliens They've Ever Heard
Image by Pawel86 from Pixabay

I'm still on the fence about this whole extraterrestrial situation. I need more proof. Now I'm not naive enough to think that in this vast, endless universe only the human race exists. I just need proof, tangible, solid, didn't see it from my trailer through beer goggles proof.

I also need proof about the afterlife, another out there topic. Truth be told, I've never been that into this whole conversation. I've got enough daily problems on this planet, let alone worrying about making Will Smith's biggest hits into documentaries and not just popcorn/comedy space farce.

But let's compare thoughts...

Redditor u/ValencikHannibal197 wanted to discuss life beyond this planet, what do we really think? They asked:

What's the best theory on UFOs or aliens you've ever heard??
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People Describe The Most Terrifying Facts About The Universe
Photo by Aldebaran S on Unsplash

The universe is a big place. It is boundless and it is infinite, which means more things exist inside of it than we could ever comprehend.

That means there are some really scary, outlandish things going on in deep space. Humankind is such a small percentage of the universe, and yet we seek to understand it.

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People Explain Which Feature Of Their Home They Actually Never Use
Photo by todd kent on Unsplash

We all dream of that big, spacious home or three. We think we need every thing extra... but it's all really excess in the end. If this pandemic has taught us anything it's that appreciating the little things is monumental. How many living rooms are really necessary? Like.... does television feel more special in 20 different rooms?

Redditor u/Interferis_ wanted to discuss why everyone square foot of our homes can be something we never really needed by asking..... What is one feature of your home you never use?
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