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Formerly Deaf People Break Down Which Sounds Were Totally Underwhelming After Finally Hearing Them
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The gift of hearing is an awesome thing. So many of us have the luxury to take it for granted.

How many 'first' sounds do we hear regularly that barely register for memory?

For those of us who are given sound after never having it or losing it and regaining it, have an appreciation most of us will never understand.

They embrace sound with such thankfulness and clarity. They can also tell you when hearing disappoints.

After all they have a build up of imagination in mind.

Redditor u/XxXNoobMaster69XxXx was hoping the formerly hearing impaired would sound off a bit by asking:

Ex-deaf people of reddit, what was the most underwhelming sound, respective to your expectations?
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