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A young business man looks out into a city
Photo by Saulo Mohana on Unsplash

Money makes the world go round.

It contributes to the betterment of society.

Well, that is what we're led to believe, right?

That is why so many of these big billion-dollar companies get fabulous tax breaks.

But sadly so many big-money jobs only help themselves.

In fact, a lot of fancy, money careers only focus on the green and not the people.

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Why are we still putting up with societal and cultural BS?

Seems like society has backslid into allowing behavior we proved was unacceptable.

I guess the learning was only temporary due to the pandemic.

We make excuses for the worst people.

Call out bad behavior.

It's the only way we'll grow.

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Kid forming a cross with two fingers
Markus Spiske/Unsplash

As much as we think we can get along with everyone, that's not always the case.

There are certain types of people you gravitate toward and making a connection with them is easy. But there are also those with specific personality traits you know very well to steer clear from.

Try as we might, we can't be friends with everyone. The best we can do is be the best version of ourselves and stay within a community of people who you vibe with.

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A man covers his ears and screams in frustration
Photo by Usman Yousaf on Unsplash

Humanity is a mess right now.

Thankfully I work from home, so it limits my exposure.

How did we get here?

Small slights or off-handed comments can send us over the edge.

But it is becoming increasingly difficult to give people a pass.

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Botox injection on the lips
Sam Moghadam Khamseh/Unsplash

The one thing vain people can agree on is the fact that aging is not their friend.

The beauty and cosmetic industry is an extremely profitable business because there is a universal need for many consumers to defy getting older.

Some people go to extremes by going through exhausting beauty enhancement processes and surgeries. But at the end of the day, if it makes them feel good about themselves, there's no harm in subjecting themselves to the rigorous rituals of maintaining their looks, right?

However, one could argue things are getting out of hand.

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