social norms

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Social Norms That Are Super Weird If You Really Think About Them

"Reddit user irish-springs asked: 'What are some social norms that are pretty f**king weird if you think about it?'"

A man stares out, deep in thought
Photo by jaikishan patel

The basics of human behavior have changed so much over time.

The change feels especially rampant over the last decade.

Somethings that were considered "normal" or "just everyday behavior" have been researched, studied, and cast aside.

A lot of these changes are for the better.

Once you do a deep dive into a few "traditions," you stop and ask yourself...

"Who the H*LL thought this was ever a good idea?!"

But once you learn more, than you do better.

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People Explain Which Things Really Need To Make A Comeback
Image by 3888952 from Pixabay

It's incredible how much changes over time. For those of us who grew up in the nineties and early 2000s, it's common for us to get nostalgic for what seemed to be a simpler time back then. But there is always hope that our favorite things will make a comeback.

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We have been socialized to be a certain way without thinking about the reasons behind them.

But when you really think about the logic behind certain behaviors or protocols, they don't seem to make much sense.

For instance, some people believe that a morning person is somehow more morally superior – yet there is no evidence to suggest that is true. It's just a longheld assumption that needs to go by way of the Dodo.

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People Break Down Their Biggest Pet Peeves
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

With a global pandemic still raging after a full year, domestic extremism on the rise, and a much-needed reignition of racial justice activism, one feels compelled to take life very seriously these days.

And that's true. We should keep these pressing, significant issues at the forefront of our minds. But alongside those considerations, we are still humans nonetheless.

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Shy People Describe Their Absolute Worst Social Experiences
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

There is only one thing worse than finding yourself in an intimidating social setting and feeling horrified to speak. It's being called out for not speaking.

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