social norms

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Life is full of social situations, and social situations call for certain rules of behavior. Professional dinners require professional clothing, in retail, the customer is always right, and when you're with other people, you should be bubbly and outgoing, not quiet and reserved.

The thing is, some of these rules and behaviors are ridiculous, and just stress people out.

There are plenty of behaviors that aren't considered socially acceptable, but should be.

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People Break Down Which Things 'Nice People' Do That Really Get Under Their Skin
Image by Anita S. from Pixabay

Sometimes "nice" and "kind" don't perfectly align.

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People Share The Weirdest Compliments They've Ever Received
Image by Mireia Pascual Molla from Pixabay

Compliments totally rule. Someone takes a moment to not only direct their full attention to you, but they follow that up with a wonderful testament to your worth.

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People Describe Which Things They Thought Were Totally Normal Until Someone Pointed Out They Weren't
Image by Candid_Shots from Pixabay

Our minor quirks and mindless tendencies are as old as us.

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For people that do or behave in any way that departs from the "norm"--whatever that is--conversations with strangers can be exhausting. Whenever that atypical attribute rears its head, someone demands a complete description.

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