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polenta topped with peppers in olive oil
Adam Bartoszewicz on Unsplash

The word diet or the phrase "healthier options," don't have to be curse words.

We've come a long way in food culture.

There are some foods that make a fantastic supplement to the foods that harm us.

No one is trying to control anyone, but there are healthy options that taste just as good if not better than the unhealthy.

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People Divulge Which Snacks They Personally Cannot Stand
Jimmy Dean/Unsplash

I hate mustard.

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Snacks are great.

Simple snacks are even better.

It can get a bit boring eating the same snacks over and over again, though.

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You never forget the worst things you've tasted.

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People Explain Which Things They Loved As A Child But Can't Stand As An Adult
Image by lisa runnels from Pixabay

Growing up and losing childhood may be a big bummer but at least I'm not just the cheese powder in the Mac N Cheese packages anymore.

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