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People Share The Pettiest Opinion Hill They're Willing To Die On
Photo by Robert Bye on Unsplash

We all have an opinion on how things should be done, as well as little ticks get on our nerves, if not outright make our skin crawl.

When someone doesn't agree with this opinion or exhibits the exact behavior which makes us tick, it's usually easy enough to let bygones be bygones, and get over it.

Of course, there are extreme exceptions to this, and sometimes we simply find ourselves unable to accept someone else's different opinion, and will not tolerate when people do certain things.

No matter how petty others may find it.

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People From Small Towns Share The Biggest Scandals That Have Blown Up
Thanasis Zovoilis/ GettyImages

The "dish." The "scoop." The "4-1-1." Small towns are full of gossip, thanks to all the people knowing literally everyone else. It's hard not to be in each other's business, like walking down a hallway full of cobwebs. Sometimes, though, that gossip turns out true and we've got a full blown scandal on our hands.

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