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Person asleep in bed
Photo by Andisheh A on Unsplash

There are few better methods of getting out of doing something than pretending to be asleep.

Needless to say, your friends and loved ones will most likely wake you up in the case of a genuine emergency.

Other times, however, if you're just not quite ready to play with your children, answer a question that can wait, or simply talk to anyone, pretending to be asleep is a fairly surefire way of avoiding all those things.

However, as with any sneaky maneuver, it has some downsides.

Namely, that you might overhear something someone else didn't want you to hear.

But since you were "asleep", they thought they could get away with saying it.

Making the probability of actually falling asleep a very difficult endeavor.

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People Share The Fake Scenarios They Imagine While Falling Asleep
Tânia Mousinho/Unsplash

Sleep is one of those elusive things that people go to any lengths to get.

Some take meds, some have a nightcap, and others ... well others get down with their imaginations.

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Insomniacs Break Down What They Do All Night
Megan Te Boekhor/Unsplash

What does this insomniac do at night?

Work. The answer is work. It always has been.

As a kid, I'd write endlessly in notebooks when I couldn't sleep. Now that I'm an adult you can absolutely find me online at 4 AM rambling about some madness like trans Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or that one time my neighbor bare-hand picked up a piece of dog poop and put it in her pocket.

Yes, I live in Florida.

For me, insomnia is a place of creation. But what is it for others?

For that, we turn to Reddit. Because humans stay nosy about what everybody else is doing.

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Adults Divulge The Comfort Items They Still Sleep With Today
Vera Jetana/Unsplash

Marshall from Paw Patrol makes the greatest knee pillow I have ever had.

Yes, I stole him from a baby.

No, I don't regret it.

The baby has tons of other toys and I have a connective tissue disorder so my skeleton is janky, at best.

Paw Patrol to the rescue!

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People Share The Biggest Reasons They Don't Sleep Naked
Snowy Vin/Unsplash

Sleeping naked on sumptuous high thread-count sheets is one of those things that's billed as an ultimate moment of sensual bliss - but for some people it's the ultimate NOPE.

This article is for you never-nude sleepers - and the people who just don't get you.

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